Tuesday, December 18, 2012

are we safe

Hmmm,  I usually do not stay on that thought very long.  I know God has watch over me and my family and we do enough to stay safe.  We teach the kids to watch for cars moving in the parking lot, near roads, like mother hens keep their peeps close by and hovers her wings over them in times of concern. We do not have the kids in public schools as we are a home school family.  As a parent we teach, coach and pray for them and we pray with them.  The hope is, they get it, they can discern bad situations, when to walk the other way, when to go that way instead of this way.  The more our country pulls away from our creator the more trouble there is.  HIS presence was stronger 10, 20, 30 years ago, as society pushed God aside the weaker we became, gay marriage starts up, other religions (most are cults) say we can't have a nativity scene in our local towns, we can't speak prayers in public places.

I know there a lot of good still out there, but we "good people"  are few.  The stuff I hear other Christian families letting their kids watch on TV, on video games, the computer, Yikes!  What is wrong with these folks.  Kids getting cell phones at such a young age, too many freedoms with technology, do you know what your kids are doing on-line, on that phone, who has their number, what could they be sending that child via a picture.  Then when something tragic happens down the road, we wonder why?  Well, I hope and pray others will think and ponder what they have become and what they are letting their children become.
As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Dash away all

My first entry in a blog, should I be scared or excited.  Yikes, for many of my friends and family they will be shocked I am doing something like this.  I am........you can say......listening more to God.......I guess he has always spoken to me, maybe, I had not been listening until now.  He is pushing me to new levels, or is that heights, something like that. ha

I have added the link to Air One's Brant Hansen.  He has a great afternoon/evening show my kids love.  He speaks a lot of truth, must be why I like him.  Check it out.
